
New Technique for flying geese

Well, new to me technique. I was stalled on my cowboy wild goose chase quilt for my little boy. I have about a thousand flying geese to make. Small flying geese, like 2"x 3.5". It was a bit discouraging. But after making about 8 blocks by eye-balling it (i live my life by the eye-ball method) I had to step away and think. I did not want to mark each square - twice in fact! So I waited and then I saw this method on Pinterest and it was a game changer for this quilt. 

The photo above it not the best I am sorry for that, but under my fingers is a piece of lightweight cardboard. That dark line next to the needle is my mark for cutting out said piece of cardboard. Take the piece and line it up from corner to corner of the square then simply follow the edge of the cardboard from point to point. So simple it's crazy! And no marking. 

Flying geese progress

Bam! Problem solved, WIP progress made. I've got all of the geese half way sewn up. A nice straight edge on each. Sometimes a WIP quilt that has stalled out just needs a little trick to get it going again. This new technique saved my sanity. 

What's your best trick? Let me know!



  1. Thanks for the tip - I'll have to give that a try! I have the hardest time stitching on a straight line - lol.

  2. Wow, thanks for this timesaver. In all my years of quilting plus teaching at the local quilt shop I have never seen this.....I'm trying this from here on in.....Thanks again!

  3. Can't wait to try this, Kelly! Thanks so much for passing this tip on.

  4. thanks for sharing the tip- congrats on getting all that piecing done!


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