
Mama's got a brand new bag...

I have had this bag on the brain for about year. It was percolating in there but I didn't know how to start, where to begin with the design. Having only made a handful of bags my construction technique wasn't up to the challenge..not yet. But then that changed and I made the bag of my dreams!

So how did I overcome my bag making shortcomings? I made a practice bag and I searched for a bunch of tutorials and inspiration. I made this bag first and I used Elizabeth Hartman's Quilt-as-you-go tutorial for bags (but I didn't use the canvas inside, I wanted a floppy bag) I looked at this picture from Fresh Lemons about a hundred times and then I just dove in. 


The fabrics came from my stash and there is a mix of vintage and new, just like always. I love, love this color palette; look for more of this combination coming soon! There is a little bit of Anna Maria Horner, lots of DS quilt and my favorite vintage prints that I have been hoarding for special projects. 

The inside has a canvas bottom and some of my favorite linen blend vintage lining. I put in a little pocket up top and zigzag stitched around the top. I used a pretty clever technique to make the bag handles and I may get around to sharing that here.

This is project number 2 of the new year and it's like in the top 5 favorite all time makes already. It just says ME all over it. The fabrics, the way it's put together, the fact that I didn't use a pattern but was able to construct it by myself - it all just adds up to a big 'ol YES!

What's been your favorite thing you've ever made and why?



  1. Isn't it nice when you can make exactly what you want! Great ay to launch the New Year!

  2. What a great bag! I think my favorite project is whatever I'm making next! ;-) -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Next time I have to make a bag I am coming to you for help/advice!

  4. What a great bag!! I've been wanting to make a bag too - even bought a pattern. I may coming knocking on your blog with questions :)

  5. You've done a fantastic job! I love the colours. I'm right into bags myself at the moment too, made quite a few last year, am enjoying working on a quilt at the moment!


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